The Artidote — Therapy from Instagram

Aishwarya Shilpi
3 min readAug 12, 2023


They are such a few places that feel like sanctity, you feel so much peace that nothing and no one matter, and you enjoy your time, your own company.

Most people don’t have this problem, but a few close people in my life, gave too much importance to being critical, which just gave me the inspiration to be rational as well, but it also comes at the cost of not being able to enjoy everything that comes. I don’t by default see the beauty in everything, I see the cracks in the glass, the emptiness, and matter alike. And it can draw me in either direction anytime.

But this account brings me back. It's a huge reason I like social media. It has depth but is not drowning. A few of the fantastic quotes I found here are:

You don’t trust people because they’re perfect and will never do something that will upset your expectations, you trust them because you know that even when they made a mistake they’ll be responsible enough to do better.

You’re more than capable of reprogramming your mind to see opportunities for growth when you would normally see fear and punishment.

Trust is not built on perfection, it’s built on making mistakes and taking accountability to mend them.

It’s not perfection you’re after, it’s self-trust.

Notice how the possibility of joy always starts with vulnerability.

If anyone is magically going to appear and just suddenly make your life better, just know that person is always going to be you.

Just because things could have been different doesn’t mean they would’ve been better.

You can meet somebody tomorrow who has better intentions for you than someone you’ve known forever. Time means nothing. Character does.

Being understood is the greatest form of intimacy.

Let love in. Believe compliments. Be vulnerable and soft-hearted. Tell people you love that you love them. See the beauty in everyday things. Live life like you’re in a movie. Don’t be afraid to begin again.

All the quotes and images are from the Artidote account, do check it out!

Sometimes peace is more necessary than sleep.



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