Day ‘n’ in quarantine

Aishwarya Shilpi
2 min readApr 26, 2020


A little background so that there is a context to my situation.

This is April 27, 2020, the last celebration I remember was my birthday, and me struggling to cope up with the fact that I was turning 25, the thought bothered me for 3 months. But it seems so trivial now. Its been over 3 months since the pandemic announcement and over a month in quarantine.

A lot changed. The problem. The metric that I use to tag something as a problem. My coping mechanism. And if that was not enough, the world as well.

Its been so heavy.

The initial days felt like a blessing in disguise. The much need summer vacation that was so due. From all the time and energy I was saving, and such filtering of unhelpful people. I cooked, rested, participated in mass volunteering, and even developed a hobby. I started completing all the work in time and giving attention to friends and their lives, even one's miles away. I cleaned, organized. Loved and blossomed.

But only as an escape from the harsh reality. The world around is burning. The pandemic is hurtful for our society and economy. There are humans who can’t afford a meal, let alone ration. And nature is thriving without us.

I feel sad, that we got so lost, thinking ahead, planning on wars, but not managing our functional systems, feeding people, their empowerment, and health care.

And nature is screaming about how bubonic we are to it.

Kills them with kindness! — This is a piece from my recently acquired hobby.
Kills them with kindness! — This is a piece from my recently acquired hobby.

We have never in history, touch wood, lost to a virus. But we have learned a lot many lessons. And its time we learn and also incorporate changes due to this one. I am positive we will survive, be it developing a vaccine, or herd immunity, or sheer will power.

We just need to hold on till then, one day at a time.

And also, we need to work for positive-sum effort. Everyone around us, is us, in a bigger picture. Humans, nature combined. We are social animals, and technology and industrialization are the greatest boons. But so is consciousness and intelligence. The realization is as important as immunity. Again we stand collectively, and this time, let’s shape history.



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